Welcome to the correspondence blog ...

This is a correspondence blog between Sacho High School (near Kisumu in Kenya) and the 4A class at Anne Frank School (Sauzé-Vaussais in France)
Ceci est un blog de correspondance entre Sacho High School (près de Kisumu au Kenya) et la classe de 4èmeA du collège Anne Frank (Sauzé-Vaussais en France)

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Have you ever...?

 In English class, we have learnt how to use a new tense called "present perfect" with "ever" so we thought of questions we could ask you about what you've already done or seen...

Antoine volunteered to type the following questions :

1. Have you ever been to Tanzania ? On the map, it doesn't look very far from your area.

2. Have you ever eaten strange food like monkey ? In France we eat rabbit and snails !


3. Have you ever met Sarah Obama ? She seems to be a very popular person in Kisumu !

4. Have you ever been to Nairobi ? This is your capital city ! Is it as big as Paris ? Not many people in our class have been to Paris ...

5. Have you ever spoken Swahili language ? Do you speak only English or do you use other languages ? Do some students speak English and Maasai ? Can you teach us one or two words in Maasai ?

6. Have you ever seen local wild elephants ?  Maybe they live in the plains, not where you are ...

7. Have you ever ridden an elephant ? Is it possible to domesticate elephants in Kenya, like in India ?

8. Have you ever seen a marathon ? Last weekend a runner from Kenya won the Paris marathon ! Did you know that ? His name is Stanley Biwott ! Kenyan runners are very good ! Is it a common sport in Kenya ?

The Paris marathon on the 8th April 2012
Stanley Biwott
9. Have you ever seen snow ? We don't think so... Is it never cold in Kenya ? Do you get any winter ? What is your lowest temperature and highest temperature ?

10. What do you eat at the school  canteen ? Do you like the food ?

Thank you for anwering all our questions, we look forward to reading your answers !

Bye everybody !

(Questions found by all the 4A class and typed by Antoine)

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