Welcome to the correspondence blog ...

This is a correspondence blog between Sacho High School (near Kisumu in Kenya) and the 4A class at Anne Frank School (Sauzé-Vaussais in France)
Ceci est un blog de correspondance entre Sacho High School (près de Kisumu au Kenya) et la classe de 4èmeA du collège Anne Frank (Sauzé-Vaussais en France)

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Thank you, Mr Amaraoui !

Our Technology teacher, Mr Amaraoui, gave us this mask ! He says it comes from Kenya !
So it's in our English classroom now...
Have you seen a mask like this before ? Can you tell us what it represents ?

1 comment:

  1. Hello Everyone,
    My name is Elsie. i am happy to be part of this link. Yes, the mask you were given by your technology teacher is from Kenya. it is worn by the tribesmen when they are going for raids and war. The masks are meant to protect their faces and also to scare the enemy.
