Welcome to the correspondence blog ...

This is a correspondence blog between Sacho High School (near Kisumu in Kenya) and the 4A class at Anne Frank School (Sauzé-Vaussais in France)
Ceci est un blog de correspondance entre Sacho High School (près de Kisumu au Kenya) et la classe de 4èmeA du collège Anne Frank (Sauzé-Vaussais en France)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Elsie on the Masai Mara National Park

Hello Manon,,
I am happy to have a pen pal in France like you. My name is Elsie Liliy. I live in Africa. I was born the 10 of June and I go to  Sacho High School.  I've 2 brothers. I've black hair and brown eyes. I'm tall ...What I love about my country is the holiday destinations.  In Kenya we have several Holidays. We have the Mashujaa day. It is the day we celebrate our national heroes. The last Mashujaa holiday which was in October this year I had a chance to visit the world Famous Masai Mara National park.
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Beaucoup de touristes du monde entier viennent à cet endroit chaque année. Il offre des vues à couper le souffle et une chance de voir le Kenya «cinq grands» animaux - rhinocéros, éléphants, lions, léopards et buffles. Le Mara est aussi le foyer de la plus riche concentration de la faune, éléphants, lions, léopards, rhinocéros, buffles, zèbres, antilopes, gnous, Oribis, des hyènes, des girafes, des phacochères, des gazelles, bubales, hippopotames, crocodiles et autres. Le parc a la plus grande concentration de lions d'Afrique, y compris le lion à crinière noire.
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The Masai Mara (or The Mara) is the best park to visit to enjoy the spectacular and world-famous annual wild beast migration. Recently it was declared one of the seven wonders of the world. Over 1.5 million wildebeest, zebras and several species of antelope make an annual circular tour.  Maasai Mara derives its name from the indigenous people of Kenya - The Maasai tribesmen - and the Mara River that cuts through the park. Every year thousands of animals cross the crocodile infested river between the Serengeti in Tanzania and Masai Mara in Kenya in search of greener pastures.  Now can you share with me some of the great places around your city or area? I would love also to read about your school, teachers sports etc.
Bye for now.


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