Welcome to the correspondence blog ...

This is a correspondence blog between Sacho High School (near Kisumu in Kenya) and the 4A class at Anne Frank School (Sauzé-Vaussais in France)
Ceci est un blog de correspondance entre Sacho High School (près de Kisumu au Kenya) et la classe de 4èmeA du collège Anne Frank (Sauzé-Vaussais en France)

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Alice répond à Rose, pour lui parler de POITIERS !

Bonjour Rose !

Moi aussi je suis très contente de pouvoir parler avec toi, c'est très intéressant de discuter avec des élèves venant d'un autre continent ! :)
Alors je vais te parler de Poitiers, c'est un grande ville à environ 50km de chez nous.

The city center is beautiful, everybody goes there for shopping  (me too!)  because there are a lot of shops ! :D
In Poitiers, there are three churches (église) their names are Notre-Dame-la-Grande, Saint-Jean de Montierneuf, and Saint-Hilaire-le-Grand !

Eglise Notre-Dame-La-Grande
The  Notre-Dame-la-Grande church was built in the XIth  century, it's very old ! Its style is Romanesque :)
In the middle ages, the church front was painted with bright colours. Every summer the church is lit up with bright colours in the evenings, so you can imagine what it was like...

 And we have one cathedral, its name is "Cathédrale Saint-Pierre"

Cathédrale St-Pierre
Also, in Poitiers we have an ice-rink (patinoire) and the world champion in 2007, Brian Joubert, lives in Poitiers, and he trains there ! This is really cool ! :D
Brian Joubert is a great ice-skater !
But the best thing in Poitiers, is the Futuroscope theme park ! :D
This is very famous, in the world!
It's in Chasseneuil, but everybody says it's in Poitiers, because it's next to Poitiers, and Poitiers is more famous.

The Futuroscope

At the Futuroscope,there are attractions about new technologies, about the future, like robots for example ! :)

I have finished describing my city, now I 'd like you to tell me about your family, your animals, and what you love !

Bye Rose!

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